Below, you will find any events that we have coming up! Be sure to note dates and times for our different events and we will see you there!
CBC’s Women's Conference will be on February 21st and 22nd! It will be a weekend for all women to come worship, pray and learn from a few speakers! More times and details to come soon , so stay tuned to our website and social media for all new information!
CBC’s Men’s Conference will be the weekend of March 28th and 29th! We would love for all men to come together to be able to seek Jesus and worship him as a community of men! More details will be released soon, so keep an eye out on our website and social media to stay updated!
We will be sending an International Mission team to Nicaragua! This mission trip is from June 28th-July 5th! For more information or to sing up, you can use the QR code or click the button below!
Kid’s! VBS is going to be a blast! We will Magnify the goodness of God and learn of his goodness and grace! Make sure to mark your calendars for May 20th-22nd and we cannot wait to see you at VBS 2025!
Youth Camp will be hosted by Fuge Camps in Dallas again this year! Youth! We want you guys to sing up and join us for an amazing week hanging with the Lord and allowing him to do whatever it is he wants in our lives! You can sign up by scanning to QR code or clicking the button! See you guys there!
Kid’s camp will be here before you know it! It’s going to be an incredible week of learning the word of God and praising him for who is! To sign up or learn more details about camp, scan the QR code or click the button! We can’t wait for camp with you!
This party is for all of our Kid’s and Youth about to go back to school! IT will be at the Anson Pool on August 6th! Come hang out with us, eat some dinner, and enjoy the pool!